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Describe the difference between an XML Sitemap and a HTML Sitemap. List the benefits and disadvantages of using each.

The difference between XML Sitemap and HTML Sitemap is that XML sitemaps are designed for search engines and HTML sitemaps are designed for human use. An XML sitemap is specifically designed for web cralers. A web crawler can very fast extract all information about the  site by going throgh the XML file. The benefits of using a sitemap is prompt informing web crawlers about changes. That helps woth canonical URLs, also improves the website planning and shows forward-thinking developmentThe disadvantages are that when using sitemapping, the information is not only accessible to you but to your competitors, which can create competirors surge at times.


Evaluate three IDE’s (Integrated development environments) and provide a brief summary on the positive and negative aspects of each. Also, in your own words include how it would suit an entry level trainee code developer.

Atom – A free, open-source, futuristic text editor, Atom can be customized. You can also use Atom without changing  the config file. That seems to suit compltely a trainee code developer, as it is free and has variaty of custommsed options to play with.

Key Features:

  • Cross-platform editing; works on OS X, Windows, and Linux
  • Built-in package manager – search for and install packages or create your own
  • Smart autocompletion
  • Find and replace
  • File system browser – find and open files, projects, or multiple projects in one window
  • Multiple panes for easily comparing and editing code across files
  • Pre-installed with four UI and eight syntax themes
  • Built with HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and Node.js integration

Microsoft’s Visual Studio IDE is paid, available in both Windows and Mac. I believe that is more suitable for an advance code developer as it is costly and has more advanced settings.

Key Features:

  • Write code accurately and efficiently without losing file context
  • Refactor, identify, and fix code issues
  • Write your own extensions
  • Quickly find and debug bugs cross languages, locally or remotely
  • Debug across code history
  • Find and diagnose performance issues without leaving the debugger workflow
  • Plan, execute, and monitor your entire testing effort
  • Quality metrics, indicators, and test status reporting
  • Manage your source code in Git
  • Use Visual Studio Team Services to manage code and bugs and work items for your entire project
  • Variety of tools, controls, and templates available from Microsoft, partners, and the community

The Xcode IDE is free apple product. This also may suite a trainee code developer as it’s free and widely used in apple machines.

Key Features:

  • Assistant Editor presents related source code in a split window pane
  • Simply drag the mouse to connect UI controls to implementation code
  • Robust Interface Builder design canvas
  • Version editor and source control
  • Apple LLMV compiler technologies
  • LLDB debugger
  • Automatically identifies mistakes and offers quick-fix suggestions
  • Communicates with Apple Developer website
  • Enable Game Center or Passbook in apps with a single click
  • Capable of setting up a remote bot for continuously building, analyzing, testing, and packaging your app
  • Bundles and submits apps to App Store
  • Customizable to match any workflow


Provide a brief history on web browser development and the issues encountered by web developers, specifically, the adherence to web standards.

Web site or web page should complying with web standards, which means that the site or page has valid HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The HTML must  meet accessibility and semantic guidelines. Standard compliance covers appropriate settings for character encoding, valid RSS , valid RDF, valid metadata, valid XML, valid object embedding, valid script embedding, and acurate server settings. Web browsing history found the compliance of those standards as a challenge, as many companies invloved in web developing want to incorporate their own standards and products. 

After the creation of the World Wide Web and its first browser developed in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee, the main two companies Netscape and Microsoft during 1995 started competative who will be first and will dominated the market. That is known as the browser wars. To resolve thse issues of confusion and division, developers decided to incorporate web standards that all companies should comply with.  Between 1994 and 1998 was developed W3C standards  as at the time the developers had to know five different ways of writing Java, and that was attempt to unite and standartize the language writing to more simpler and effective ways.

Between 2000-2003 the standards kept rising with introduction to new browsers with more interaction and support for CSS and HTML, showing that the change the style of a single page can change the entire design.

After 2003 came new breed of web standards, CSS and HTML kept evolving, bringing things they were not capable to do before, and also incorporating plugins, Javascript and hacks. Flash plugin was for a while, but was discontinued eventually and replaced with Animate CC.

We can summarise and generalize that, during the years web-developers also have met the following chanllenges:

  • Clearly defining their goals.
  • Choosing the right tech stack.
  • UX.
  • UI & simplistic design.
  • Performance and speed.
  • Scalability.
  • Web security threats.


What are website testing methodologies? Your answer MUST cover browser compatibility, and website functionality.

Testing for browsers is a method to assure quiality of web applications across multiple browsers. It ensures the quality of your website on different screens as well if they are compatible with the tested browsers and how the website functionality is afected by the limitations and performance of the browser.

Some example for web browser testing is shown below:

  • Functional Testing. Testing UI Workflows.
  • Usability Testing. Comparative Usability Testing.
  • Interface Testing. Application testing.
  • Compatibility Testing. Browser Compatibility Testing.
  • Performance Testing. Load Testing. 
  • Security Testing. Privilege Escalation.


What are the endorsed requirements of accessibility for all NT Government webpages?

In general all web pages must have a clearly identifiable link to the NT Government website (http://www.nt.gov.au). The link must incorporate the words 'NT Government' and the correct NT Government logo.

There’s a NT Government Website Guidelines, Effective:  22 November 2001, that holds the answer of that specific question:

NT Government wants to maximise the accessibility of information and services by requiring that


NT Government websites must support all users irrespective of their physical limitations (eg vision, hearing, mobility, literacy, or cognitive impairment), environmental limitations (eg noise), and/or technical limitations (eg slow modems, older browser versions, low resolution displays, and monochrome monitors).


NT Government also has a guidelines how to comply with those accessibility guidelines:


The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, developed by the World Wide Web Consortium, are aimed at making websites accessible to all users – particularly those with a disability.     NT Government websites must satisfy all Priority 1 checkpoints (Appendix B) and where possible Priority 2 and Priority 3 checkpoints.


Nt government ensures that that level of complience is achived by asking the Website developer to follow a checklist with the detailed requirenments which is also included in the NT Govermnetn Website Guidelines.

The commonwealth government requires all their sites to meet W3C accessibility standards.

Also, through the Disability Discrimination Act, the NT government can enforce all those standards and levels of compliance.


How do you think it’s best to organise all the assets used for a specific webpage? Think locally on your computer AND within the root folder of the website.

The best organisations is to keep everything in separate semantically labeled folders.